Jonathan's Ogunquit

Jonathan's Ogunquit

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Information Ticket Phone Hours:
7 Days a Week: 9:00am - 4pm EST

U. S. 207-646-4777

For most of our shows, Jonathan's offers three different types of tickets:

1. Premiere Section (yellow:) Includes premium area seating, the standard ticket price, a show credit & a dinner voucher for $25 to be used in our downstairs dining room before the show.

2. Show Plus Section (blue:) Includes the standard ticket price and a show credit which includes a choice of either dessert & coffee upstairs before the show or an alcoholic beverage coupon to be used upstairs for the show.

3. Show Only Section (green:) Includes the standard ticket price.

All types of tickets will have an additional ticketing/ service fee.

Make sure you make your dinner reservations in advance!

Jonathan's Reservations

Jonathan's Ogunquit

Contact Us

92 Bourne Lane, Ogunquit, ME 03907 (207) 646-4777 [email protected]