Jonathan's Ogunquit

Jonathan's Ogunquit

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Information Ticket Phone Hours:
7 Days a Week: 9:00am - 4pm EST

U. S. 207-646-4777

For most of our shows, Jonathan's offers three different types of tickets:

1. Premiere Section (yellow:) Includes premium area seating, the standard ticket price, a show credit & a dinner voucher for $25 to be used in our downstairs dining room before the show.

2. Show Plus Section (blue:) Includes the standard ticket price and a show credit which includes a choice of either dessert & coffee upstairs before the show or an alcoholic beverage coupon to be used upstairs for the show.

3. Show Only Section (green:) Includes the standard ticket price.

All types of tickets will have an additional ticketing/ service fee.

Make sure you make your dinner reservations in advance!

Jonathan's Reservations

Steve Sweeney Comedy

Steve Sweeney Comedy
Artist's Website: Steve Sweeney

Born in Charlestown, Steve Sweeney is a legendary Boston comedian known as a master of dialects and character voices. With his famous Boston accent and great insight into human nature, Steve is so thoroughly Bostonian that he merits his own stop on the MBTA Green Line.

He has been a featured on major television shows including David Letterman, Evening at the Improv, Comics Come Home, and Comedy Central, and starred in his own Boston-based sitcom, Park Street Under.

Steve’s trademark political satire has earned him top host spots on Boston radio stations 100.7FM WZLX (Sweeney’s Neighborhood) and 95.9FM WATD (Jay Mohr and Opie & Anthony.) In addition, Steve is an elite Master of Ceremonies selected by many charitable and political organizations (of both parties, but separately, of course!)

This event held inside in our Upstairs Listening Room.

Jonathan's Ogunquit

Contact Us

92 Bourne Lane, Ogunquit, ME 03907 (207) 646-4777 [email protected]